Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Selection of a Pessure Vessel Manufacturer Assignment

Selection of a Pessure Vessel Manufacturer - Assignment Example top contender somewhat a top contender both seemed good to Jack Tooles capability to meet specification and cleanliness requirement had some reservations had a few reservations both very neither completely capable ,neither did they lack the capability to meet Oceanic requirements equipment and machinary as per company perception new and up-to-date Considerable age, and not of large capacity, but adequate for the job. Also available for use in other places/subsidiary plants Clearly Atomic products were better of the two Factor Continued on next page >>>> Offering company Comment ATOMIC PRODUCTS NUCLEAR equipment and machinary as per Oceanics perception new and up-to-date not as adequate as Atomic Products'. cause for stated cost lower number of man hours required higher number of man hours required Hence Atomic products show a greater degree of efficiency self image of management,machinery,equipment and to meet TARGETS were firm on their abilities and believed they could make such a vessel or bigger relatively confident Both firms are relatively confident in there ability to meet the challenge work disruptions strikes several according to case Company was on a profit sharing plan. No union existed. Workers were at good terms with management. Clearly Nuclear vessels were better, because they would have little work disruptions. This implies that because worker and management interests in profits should result in the best of effort to make the vessel. Factor Continued on next page >>>> Offering company Comment ATOMIC PRODUCTS NUCLEAR staff and area to meet TARGET relatively sufficient One member each from supply, expediting, quality control, and scheduling was assigned to a task force headed by a project engineer. It was the... One member each from supply, expediting, quality control, and scheduling was assigned to a task force headed by a project engineer. It was the responsibility of this task force to follow the entire project through the shop and keep the project engineer informed on a day-to-day basis cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract , Total price: Estimated cost $1,120,000,Fixed fee 112,000,Total $1,232,000,Costing rate: Estimated shop rate $24/hour,Shop overhead 180%,Material Cost + 10% handling charge Welding, machining, or testing for this work. However, forgings will be purchased from a competent supplier after he has satisfied the company's metallurgist that his forgings will meet , the specifications. Supply, Expediting, Quality Control, Production and other departments will each have one man assigned to follow this project from start to finish. Forms and records are available for your review. Our organization is familiar with Oceanics' requirements from knowledge gained as a result of previous work accomplished for your division. Atomic Products Company submitted a lower estimated price, guaranteed the equipment, was more suitably located, and would meet the required delivery date.

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