Thursday, October 31, 2019
Effect of Cellulitis on Wound Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Effect of Cellulitis on Wound Care - Essay Example It can be inferred from these findings that there is a rapidly erythematous spreading, as well as an elevated White blood cell count. In this case, this cellulitis has affected the lower leg. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are responsible for cellulitis, thus, treating the patient with Empiric IV antibiotics I would be the most appropriate remedy for this condition. The subjective, as well as the objective data in relation to the case of Ms. G, are significant in regard to follow-up diagnostic/laboratory testing, education, and future preventative care because they are the basis for the follow-up diagnostic or laboratory testing, education, and future preventative care. In this case, subjective and objective data are vital in so far as laboratory testing and future preventive care are concerned. This is because first, through obtaining the subjective and objective data, the clinician would be able to ascertain the baseline physical, as well as mental data concerning the patient. Secondly, they help the clinician to establish the nursing diagnoses and plan for the future patient care. Through the subjective and objective data provided, the clinician is able to evaluate the appropriateness of nursing interventions for the purposes of finding a resolution of the identified pathophysiology problems of the patient. Factors that are likely to delay wound healing In the case of Ms. G, include the 2 cm diameter, 1 cm deep, open wound that is located above the medial malleolus. This is because the open wound serves as a common portal of the entry of bacteria.Ã Ã
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Selection of a Pessure Vessel Manufacturer Assignment
Selection of a Pessure Vessel Manufacturer - Assignment Example top contender somewhat a top contender both seemed good to Jack Tooles capability to meet specification and cleanliness requirement had some reservations had a few reservations both very neither completely capable ,neither did they lack the capability to meet Oceanic requirements equipment and machinary as per company perception new and up-to-date Considerable age, and not of large capacity, but adequate for the job. Also available for use in other places/subsidiary plants Clearly Atomic products were better of the two Factor Continued on next page >>>> Offering company Comment ATOMIC PRODUCTS NUCLEAR equipment and machinary as per Oceanics perception new and up-to-date not as adequate as Atomic Products'. cause for stated cost lower number of man hours required higher number of man hours required Hence Atomic products show a greater degree of efficiency self image of management,machinery,equipment and to meet TARGETS were firm on their abilities and believed they could make such a vessel or bigger relatively confident Both firms are relatively confident in there ability to meet the challenge work disruptions strikes several according to case Company was on a profit sharing plan. No union existed. Workers were at good terms with management. Clearly Nuclear vessels were better, because they would have little work disruptions. This implies that because worker and management interests in profits should result in the best of effort to make the vessel. Factor Continued on next page >>>> Offering company Comment ATOMIC PRODUCTS NUCLEAR staff and area to meet TARGET relatively sufficient One member each from supply, expediting, quality control, and scheduling was assigned to a task force headed by a project engineer. It was the... One member each from supply, expediting, quality control, and scheduling was assigned to a task force headed by a project engineer. It was the responsibility of this task force to follow the entire project through the shop and keep the project engineer informed on a day-to-day basis cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract , Total price: Estimated cost $1,120,000,Fixed fee 112,000,Total $1,232,000,Costing rate: Estimated shop rate $24/hour,Shop overhead 180%,Material Cost + 10% handling charge Welding, machining, or testing for this work. However, forgings will be purchased from a competent supplier after he has satisfied the company's metallurgist that his forgings will meet , the specifications. Supply, Expediting, Quality Control, Production and other departments will each have one man assigned to follow this project from start to finish. Forms and records are available for your review. Our organization is familiar with Oceanics' requirements from knowledge gained as a result of previous work accomplished for your division. Atomic Products Company submitted a lower estimated price, guaranteed the equipment, was more suitably located, and would meet the required delivery date.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
How Organization Wide Change Is Best Carried Out Management Essay
How Organization Wide Change Is Best Carried Out Management Essay Both change and continuity may be desirable for the triumphant accomplishment of change. Picture upon the results of an global investigation the article suggests: 1. Company are deteriorating to fully consider the consequences and implications of change. 2. Many changes individual introduced as a result of contemporary management carry out have negative impacts. 3. The hypothesis of steady linear progress is not always justified. 4. Continuity and change are important complements, and more attention needs to be devoted to the continuity of valued relationships. 5. People should be given the liberty to decide the level and nature of modify required in relation to their exacting activities. 6. More holistic, thoughtful and people centered approaches to management are needed. To really appreciate organizational change and begin guide thriving change efforts, the change agent should have at least a broad understanding of the circumstance of the change effort. This includes considerate the basic systems and structure in organizations, as well as their typical terms and roles. This obligation applies to the understanding of leadership and management of the organizations, as well. That is why divide up courses in business often initially include a course or some discussion on organizational theory. This topic includes several links to help you gain this broad accepting. The following relations broadly reviewed in the following order might be helpful to establish some sense about organizations, and their leadership and management. Overview of Change Management There are several phrase regarding organizational change and development that look and sound a lot similar, but have diverse meanings. As a result of the importance of the topic, there seem to be increasingly different interpretation of some of this phrase, while others are used interchangeably. Without at least some sense of the difference between these phrases, connections about organizational change and development can be more and more vague, confusing and frustrating. Methodology of the study: What is Organizational Change: Typically, the concept of organizational transform is in stare to organization-wide change, as opposed to smaller changes such as addition a new person, modify a program, etc. Examples of organization-wide change might contain a change in mission, reformation operations, new technologies, mergers, major collaborations, rightsizing, new program such as total quality management, re-engineering, etc. Some experts refer to organizational alteration. Often this term designates a basic and radical reorientation in the way the organization operates. What is Provokes Organizational Change: Modify should not be done for the sake of change its a policy to accomplish some in general goal. Usually organizational change is aggravated by some major outside heavy force, substantial cuts in funding, address major new markets/clients, need for dramatic increase in efficiency/services, etc. Typically, organizations must commence organization-wide change to evolve to a similar level in their life cycle, going from a highly instant, capitalist organization to more steady and planned development. Change to a new chief executive can incite organization-wide change when his or her new and unique personality pervades the entire organization. Why is Organization-Wide Change Difficult to Accomplish: Typically there are tough resistances to modify. People are afraid of the unknown. Many people think things are by now just fine and dont appreciate the need for change. Many are inherently cynical about change, particularly from reading about the idea of change as if its a mantra. Many hesitations there are effective means to accomplish major organizational change. Often there are conflicting goals in the organization, to increase resources to accomplish the change yet concurrently cut costs to remain viable. Organization-wide change often goes against the very values detained dear by members in the organization, that is, the change may go alongside how members believe things should be done. Thats why much of organizational-change text discusses wanted changes in the development of the organization, including changes in members values and beliefs and in the way they ratify these values and beliefs. How Organization-Wide Change Is Best Carried Out: Winning change must engage top management, as well as the board and chief executive. Typically theres a champion who originally instigate the change by being creative, persuasive and consistent. A change agent role is usually responsible to translate the vision to a sensible plan and carry out the plan. Change is frequently best carried out as a team-wide attempt. Communications about the change should be common and with all organization members. To maintain change, the structure of the institute itself should be customized, including strategic plans, policies and procedures. This change in the structures of the organization typically involves an unfreezing, change and re-freezing procedure. The best approach to address resistances is from side to side increased and continued communications and education. For example, the leader should meet with all managers and employees to explain reason for the change, how it usually will be carried out and where others can go for supplementary information. A plan should be developed and communicate. Plans do change. Thats fine, but communicate that the preparation has tainted and why. forum should be held for organization members to state their ideas for the plan. They should be able to state their concerns and aggravation as fit. Some General Guidelines to Organization-Wide Change: In adding to the general strategy listed above, there are a few other basic guidelines to keep in mind. 1. Consider using a counselor. Ensure the consultant is highly knowledgeable in organization-wide change. Ask to see reference and check the references. 2. Widely communicate the possible need for change. Communicate what youre doing about it. Communicate what was done and how it work out. 3. Get as much advice as sensible from employees, including what they think are the problems and what should be done to determine them. If possible, work with a team of employees to manage the change. 4. Dont get wrap up in doing change for the sake of change. Know why youre making the change. What goal do you hope to achieve? 5. Plan the change. How do you plan to get to the goals, what will you need to reach the goals, how extended might it take and how will you know when youve reach your goals or not? Focus on the coordination of the departments/programs in your organization, not on each part by itself. Have someone in charge of the plan. 6. End up having every employee in the end exposure to one person, if possible, and they should know who that being is. Job images are often complained about, but they are useful in specifying who reports to whom. 7. Delegate decision to workers as much as possible. This includes yielding them the power and responsibility to get the job done. As much as possible, let them decide how to do the project. 8. The process wont be an it will take longer than you think. 9. Keep perspective. Keep listening carefully on meeting the needs of your consumer or clients. 10. Take care of yourself first. Organization-wide change can be extremely stressful. 11. Dont look for to control change, but rather to expect it, appreciate it and manage it. 12. Include conclusion in the plan. Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments. 13. Read some resources about organizational change, as well as new forms and structures. Finds of the study: Harley-Davidson copes against Suzuki to survive and take over in the market by the following way: Level 1- shaping and anticipating the future : At this level, Harley-Davidson start out with few assumptions about the business itself, what it is good at, and what the future will be like. Management generates alternate scenarios of the future, defines opportunities based on these possible futures, assesses its strengths and weaknesses in these scenarios changes its mission, measurement system etc Level 2 Harley-Davidson defining what business to be in and their Core Competencies: Many attempts at strategic planning start at this level, either assuming that: 1) The future will be like the past or at least expected 2) The future is personified in the CEOs of Harley-Davidson vision for the future 3) Management doesnt know where besides to start 4) Management is too scared to start at leve because of the changes needed to really meet future necessities 5) The only permission they have is to refine what job already exists. After a mission has been defined and SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis is finished, an organization can then define its actions, goals, strategies. More information on this is in the next article, moving from the Future to your Strategy. Level 3 Reengineering (Structurally Changing) Your Processes: Either as a result or result of level one or two work Harley-Davidson independent action, level three work focuses on basically changing how work is consummate. Rather than focus on modest improvement, reengineering focuses on making major structural changes to everyday with the goal of considerably improving productivity, efficiency, quality or customer satisfaction. Level 4 Incrementally Changing your Processes: Harley-Davidsons changes are focus in making many small changes to obtainable work processes. Oftentimes organizations put in substantial effort into getting every employee focused on creation these small changes, often with substantial effect. Unfortunately, making improvement on how a buggy whip for horse-drawn carriages is made will hardly ever come up with the idea that buggy whips are no longer necessary because cars have been invented. To read more about organizational changes and how it compare to level , We trained an internal facilitator, helped them deliver teaching in a just-in-time fashion, and had them focus on specific technical problems. The team management shaped reduced early quality defects by 48%. The disadvantage of such an incremental move toward includes avoid structural, system-wide problems, and assume existing processes need modest development. In addition, using incremental approaches can be frustrating to employees and management if does not catch on in the organization. As a result of these disadvantages, many organizations experience a high risk of failure in the long run. Harley-Davidson also takes positive decisions in the following ways: These levels have much of the similar goal increasing customer fulfillment, doing things right the first time, greater employee efficiency, etc. in spite of these similarities, they differ considerably in the methods they use to achieve these goals. In Harley-Davidsons skill, companies that use this method tend to have a elevated need for change, risk-tolerant management, comparatively few constraint and have considerable agreement among its management on what to do. Types of industries include those whose environment requires rapid revision to fast-moving events, electronics, information systems and telecommunication industries. Companies using mostly incremental tools have management that perceives only a unassuming require for change, is relatively risk-avoidant, has many constraint on its events and only has a modest consensus among themselves on what to do. Harley-Davidson using level three methods. If they are considering changes in business lines, re-organizing by customer instead of by purpose, or making key changes in how the everyday employee is being paid, they are using method. regrettably, all of this argument hinges in managements belief about how much change is necessary. This belief often hinges on their often unaided beliefs of: 1) How well the organization performs compare to other organizations a not have of benchmarking. 2) What the future will be. As a result, my suggestion is that organizations conduct scenario/strategic planning movements anyway, even if they have by now decided that incremental method will be sufficient to solve their problems. This way organization can be aware of the limits of the lower-level methods they are using and understand when it is best to throw away these lower-level methods for something more substantive. Based on this exercise, comparison of existing inner processes with world-class examples benchmarking and market study, management may come to realize how much change is necessary. Goals Based on no matter what level work you are doing, the chance that are found need to be evaluate to determine which of them best suit the obtainable and future capability of the organization and offer the most bang for the buck in terms of development in your measures of success. In calculation, goals need to have the resources. Harley Davidson uses the slogan We will expand into the polystyrene market within the next five years and achieve 20% market share. Strategies Harley-Davidson focuses on what, strategies focus on how. Some examples include: We will re-engineer our research and development process We will evaluate and improve our sales and marketing department We will conduct a SWOT analysis and then define our core competencies Supplementary examples of strategy are included in the affecting from the future to your strategy. Wait a second. Arent goal and strategy really the same. They are in one sagacity as they both need to be SMART. As what you force guess, the goals of a level are achieve by create strategies at the minor levels. History of Harley Davidson: William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson make available to the public the first production Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The bike was built to be a racer, with a 3-1/8 inch bore and 3-1/2 inch stroke. The factory in which they worked was a 10 x 15-foot wooden shed with the words Harley-Davidson Motor Company crudely scrawled on the door. Arthurs brother Walter later joins their efforts. Harley-Davidson Motor Company is incorporated on September 17th. The stock is split four ways between the four founders, and staff size has more than doubled from the previous year to eighteen employees. Factory size is doubled as well. Dealer recruitment begins, targeting the New England region. In 1908, Walter Davidson himself scored a perfect 1000 at the annual Federation of American Motorcyclists (FAM) Endurance and Reliability Contest. Three days later, he set an FAM economy record at 188.234 mpg. Also in 1908, the first motorcycle sold for police duty was delivered to the Detroit police force. By 1909 Harley-Davidson was bustling, and the partners introduced the very first Harley-Davidson V-twin engine, a design that continues to thrive to this day. From that base, they built twin-cam V-twins, overhead-cam V-twins and 4-valve V-twinsall before 1920. The company exported its first bike, to Japan, in 1912. In 1916, the company began publishing a magazineThe Enthusiastfor its customers. Still available today, it stands as the longest continuously published motorcycle periodical in the world. During the war, the famous Wrecking Crew, Harleys team of factory riders, was nearly unbeatable in racing, and in 1921, the Crew won every race during the season. Although prime competitor Indian was two years older than Harley-Davidson, Harley was already becoming dominant, both in sales and racing. To further spur buyers, Harley introduced bike financing in 1923. Despite the fact that the country was in the throes of the Great Depression, in 1938 Harley-Davidson introduced the overhead-valve V-twin engine that would come to be known as the Knucklehead, as well as the sophisticated new bike that went around it. That engine and its refinements stuck around for 12 years. The same year, Harley licensed the manufacture of and supplied tooling for a Japanese version of the Harley, called Rikuo, for which the Japanese company Sankyo never paid any royalties. In 1937, Harleys factories were unionized. Mission of Harley Davidson Heritage Harley-Davidson fulfills dreams by providing all riders and customers with a friendly, comfortable and knowledgeable Harley-Davidson environment. We will consistently treat everyone with fairness and integrity and be genuinely interested in their satisfaction and in maintaining a long term relationship. Vision of Harley Davidson Our vision is to provide an unsurpassed experience for all motorcycle enthusiasts while providing fulfilling, worthwhile work and growth opportunities for our team of trained professionals. We strive for continuous improvement in everything we do. Our Work Values Integrity; Loyalty; Fairness; Competence; Sharing knowledge; Accomplishment. We ride with our customers and apply this deep connection in every market we serve to create superior value for all of our stakeholders. Harley-Davidsons values are These are our values. They are the heart of how we run our business. They guide our actions and serve as the framework for the decisions and contributions our employees make at every level of the Company. Tell the Truth. Be Fair. Keep Your Promises. Respect the Individual. Encourage Intellectual Curiosity. Harley-Davidsons financial reports: In Millions of USD (except for per share items) 3 months ending 2009-12-31 9 months ending 2009-09-27 3 months ending 2009-06-28 3 months ending 2009-03-29 3 months ending 2008-12-31 Revenue 893.65 3,888.26 1,277.61 1,395.32 1,342.92 Other Revenue, Total Total Revenue 893.65 3,888.26 1,277.61 1,395.32 1,342.92 Cost of Revenue, Total 743.86 2,738.14 953.45 907.33 959.56 Gross Profit 149.79 1,150.12 324.16 487.99 383.36 Selling/General/Admin. Expenses, Total 256.39 594.78 209.89 221.08 246.05 Research Development Depreciation/Amortization Interest Expense(Income) Net Operating Unusual Expense (Income) 122.34 130.33 43.52 34.86 0.00 Other Operating Expenses, Total Total Operating Expense 1,122.58 3,463.24 1,206.86 1,163.27 1,205.61 Operating Income -228.93 425.01 70.75 232.05 137.31 Interest Income(Expense), Net Non-Operating Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets Other, Net Income Before Tax -238.10 416.76 69.53 223.74 138.04 Income After Tax -147.17 217.81 19.75 117.35 91.94 Minority Interest Equity In Affiliates Net Income Before Extra. Items -147.17 217.81 19.75 117.35 91.94 Accounting Change Discontinued Operations Extraordinary Item Net Income -218.70 163.58 19.75 117.35 77.81 Preferred Dividends Income Available to Common Excl. Extra Items -147.17 217.81 19.75 117.35 91.94 Income Available to Common Incl. Extra Items -218.70 163.58 19.75 117.35 77.81 Basic Weighted Average Shares Basic EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items Basic EPS Including Extraordinary Items Dilution Adjustment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Diluted Weighted Average Shares 232.72 234.43 233.52 232.65 232.04 Diluted EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items -0.63 0.93 0.08 0.50 0.40 Diluted EPS Including Extraordinary Items Dividends per Share Common Stock Primary Issue 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.33 Gross Dividends Common Stock Net Income after Stock Based Comp. Expense Basic EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense Diluted EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense Depreciation, Supplemental Total Special Items Normalized Income Before Taxes Effect of Special Items on Income Taxes Income Taxes Ex. Impact of Special Items Normalized Income After Taxes Normalized Income Avail to Common Basic Normalized EPS Diluted Normalized EPS -0.29 1.22 0.21 0.58 0.40 Findings of the study: There are no typical activities that always effectively address certain types of issues in organizations. Many times, the achievement of a project lies not with having chosen the perfect choice of actions, but rather with how honest and participative people were during the project, how much they learned and how open they were to altering their plans for change. However, there are some basic consideration that most people make when select from among the many choices for organizational expansion, or capacity building, actions. Considerations include: First, does the change-management method propose what organizational growth activities to use now, for example, the method of strategic management might propose that a SWOT analysis be done, strategic goals be recognized along with action tactics for each goal, and then achievement of the action plans be closely monitor. Frequent Monitoring the Dealers: Continuous monitoring system is very important to observe the market. Therefore Marketing Executives visit to the distributors should be more frequent like other competitor companies To Increase good relationship: Distributors are the main sources for the sales of motor cycle products. So my recommendation is that, the company should extend and increase good relationship with all dealers and salesmen. Price Stability: Presently because of Under rate process the distributors are facing different problems. As Under rateof product price creates a great problem in smooth selling, therefore price stability of all product is very much necessary. Availability of marketing executives: In present competitive market situation most of the competitive companies are engaging a big marketing executives to capture the market. In compare with that marketing executives are not sufficient to cover all of the distributors. So marketing executives availability should be ensured. Low price of products: At present the price of Harley-Davidsons products is relatively high in comparing to other competitor companies product. But to capture the market and reach their product to all kind of customers, my recommendation is that, Walton should reduce somewhat their product price. Recommendation of the study: 1. Standard Advertisement Advertisement plays a vital role to run any business well. But in my survey, I have found hat the advertisement of Harley-Davidsons is not satisfactory at all. So the company should pay more attention to advertising. 2. Quality of the products: From my survey I came to know that the of some products of Harley-Davidsons is very low. Some products create disturb even two or three months after selling. If Walton wants to exist in the market for long time and face the competition, it must concentrate on better quality products. Continuous customer contact and monitoring is essential. 4 Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) must be used. 5. Customer attraction and retention policy should be modified. 6. To identify new area where the product is not available. At last I want to say that the company should practice Total quality management (TQM) properly. Conclusion: merely put, strategic planning determine where an organization is going over the next year or more, Harley Davidson how its going to get there and how itll know if it got there or not. The focus of a planned plan is usually on the whole organization, while the focus of a business plan is typically on a particular product, service or program. There are a variety of perspective, model and approaches used in strategic planning. The way that a strategic plan is residential depends on the nature of the organization leadership, culture of the organization, complexity of the organizations environment, size of the organization, expertise of planners, etc. For example, there are a variety of strategic planning models, as well as goals-based, issues-based, organic, scenario some would state that circumstances planning are more a method than model. goals-based planning is most likely the most common and starts with focus on the organizations mission and vision, values, goals to work toward the mission, strategies to achieve the goals, and act setting up who will do what and by when. Issues-based strategic planning often starts by examining issues facing in the Harley Davidson organization, strategies to address those issues, and action plans. Organic strategic planning might start by articulating the organizations vision and values and then action plans to achieve the vision while adhering to those values. Some planners prefer a particular approach to planning, eg, appreciative inquiry. Some plans are scoped to one year, many to three years, and some to five to ten years into the future. Some plans comprise only top-level in order and no action plans. Some plans are five to eight pages long, even as others can be significantly longer.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Effects of CTelevision Broadcasting :: Essays Papers
Effects of CTelevision Broadcasting The television is one of the most widely known and utilized inventions of the twentieth century. As its popularity has grown, its effect on how people, especially children, view the world around them has become more prominent and recognized. ââ¬Å"To suggest that children growing up in the 1990s live in a different world than the one their parents or grandparents experienced is not only to state the obvious, but to understate the obvious.â⬠Increasing popularity of television between the generations is partly responsible for the changes. Television is at the center of a multimedia society. Television is especially prominent because it reaches children at a much younger age than other mediums. (Asamen 9) Television becomes a firm staple in most childrenââ¬â¢s lives a considerable amount of time before formal education begins. Children as young as six months react to televisionââ¬â¢s sights and sounds. ââ¬Å"For young children, a major determinate of what... they view is w hat... their parents view.â⬠This measure of coviewing decreases with age ââ¬Å"as does the time spent with parents in other activities.â⬠(Bryant 231) Television and Time Control It is generally recognized that television dominates a lot of childrenââ¬â¢s time, more than any other waking activity. TV watching is often paired with other activities, such as talking, reading, and studying though. The effects of television on children vary, depending on the programs watched and ââ¬Å"when and with whomâ⬠they watch it. It also depends on how often and how much the child watches television. (Bryant 227) Research on the effect has been sparse. "Recently, some investigators have taken account of the role played by television in family as planned or default activity, as subject matter for discussion and argument, as the occasion for parental regulation and for children's assumption of increasing responsibility for controlling their own time use." The media has taken on a partial role in raising children, just as church and school did in the past. (Bryant 227) "Children's use of television is influenced by structural factors in their lives." Children who attend day care, for example, are less likely to watch large amounts of television than those who are home all day long. Other factors of how much television children watch are if they have access to all stations or a VCR, education, social class, and ethnicity. "[Researcher's] efforts to analyze family influences on viewing rest on some general assumptions about television use.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Letter / Apollo Shoes
First I would like to thank the board of director of Apollo Shores for their recent inquiry about Phoenix & Companyââ¬â¢s services. Since our firm is small, we offer a wide range of personalized services to clients at a reasonable cost. Phoenix & Company is a CPA firm with more the 25 years in the business of providing client tax services, accounting booking, management consulting, quality control consulting, risk assessment, capital transaction assistance, and information systems functionality. The firmââ¬â¢s approach has been very successful because of our ability to comprehend our clientsââ¬â¢ organization paradigm including risk assessment, control issues, and diagnostic. The benefits to our auditing approach would help the management team efficiency identify areas within the organizationââ¬â¢s that needs to be address. This process could improve the companyââ¬â¢s efficiency identifying that controls are in place. Overall this gives the management team a better understanding of the organization working including their financial systems. The role of Phoenix & Company is to obtaining sufficient audit evaluation and evidence in order to test the organizational controls. At this time I would like to define auditing and give some benefits of an audit. ââ¬Å"Auditing is the accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to determine and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteriaâ⬠(Arens, Elder & Beasley, 2006). The benefits to auditing are the ability for a company to improve the understanding of the financial records from the management and users stand points. Another benefit is the ability to identify areas within the organization that needs improvement. A company could reinforce, risk assessments, and improve internal controls. In conclusion the firm of Phoenix & Company is an excellent resource to provide Apollo Shores with effective analysis, and relevant information to meet the needs of your organization. The approach is to improve the organization safeguards in order to protect the financial operations of the company.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Coffee and Tea
Coffee and Tea Coffee and tea have existed in the world for a long time. Hundreds of years ago, people who lived in South America started to produce coffee, but the earliest drink likes coffee was made by ancient Arabian. They thought it was a kind of medicine used for stomach. After the 15th century, coffee was spread to other countries such as Egypt and Ottoman Empire by Muslims who were back from Hajj, while in ancient China, Chinese people started to make tea about 3000 years ago. Because of nice environment and weather, the first part of tea plants was discovered in southwest China.After, drink tea became an important culture of Chinese people, and tea began to spread into countries near China. Coffee and tea are similar, but different in some specific area. First, coffee and tea are similar but different in population. People from all around the world like them. For example, British people used to drink a cup of tea with some snacks when they have a rest in the afternoon. Weste rn people enjoy drinking black tea, and some of them mix it with milk to make milky tea. Likewise, most people like drinking coffee, for it often tastes good.In China, more and more people began to drink coffee, and some of whom want to taste better coffee like blue mountain coffee. However, although these two drinks are both popular around the world, coffee is still drunk most by western people, while the most quantity of tea is used in East Asia. People lived in China, Japan, and Korea regarded tea as the main drink. Second, coffee and tea are similar but different in function. Both coffee and tea can refresh people because there is a kind of chemical matter, which is caffeine in both of them.This chemical matter can be used for nerves to make a person feel awake and lively. Also, some experts said that black coffee and green tea can help a person lose weight. But, in contrast, tea has some more functions due to another kind of chemical matter which canââ¬â¢t be found in coffee . This chemical matter that named tea polyphenol whose ability is to relieve the effect that is made by poison. Finally, coffee and tea have similarity and difference in origination. Both of them are made from plants.Thousands of years ago, people lived in Africa planted coffee trees in succeed, and now, Brazil has the most coffee trees in the world. In south of China, there are a lot of terraced fields that grow tea trees. On the other hand, people use leaves from tea to make tea, while they use fruits from coffee plants to make coffee. To sum up, coffee and tea are similar in their population, function, and origination, while they are different of their use in different place, their different chemical matter, and their different material. I suggest that people should drink both coffee and tea so that they can be healthier.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
College Cafe Project Essay Example
College Cafe Project Essay Example The College Cafà © Project Essay Sample The College Cafà © Project Essay Sample The topic of this research paper is setting up a cafà © within a college campus. ââ¬Å"ABC cafà ©Ã¢â¬ has been used in this article to represent this new venture. The reason as to why this cafà © is being set up is in order to offer students a chance to hang out after lectures instead of going outside the college. The cafà © will not only be a dining area but a place for students to meet their friends and other people too. Therefore, it will furthermore provide an opportune setting for students to socialize. It will be a very constructive move towards enhancing the development and wellbeing of students on campus because they are not focused on academics only. The College Cafà © Project in the North Atlantic Qatar The main idea of this article is to find out the viability of a cafà © at the College of the North Atlantic Qatar. It will explain purpose of conducting the research and outline the students` background. It will further elaborate on the research methods that will be employed in carrying out the study. Background of the Research Topic Due to foreign students different foods from the entire world have been introduced. This has been affected by close association between India and Iran as well as North Africa. For instance, it is illegal to eat, smoke or drink during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Muslims consider that it is wrong to eat or drink as this defiles the sanctity of the fast which is a sacred ritual for all Muslims to keep. The authorities within Qatar have issued stern messages regarding the rules to keep during Ramadan to everyone especially foreigners both Muslims and non-Muslims who happen to be residing or visiting the country. Those who are caught breaking this rule face harsh consequences such as expulsion from the country. The local citizens who violate the fast are served with corporal punishments. During Ramadan all Muslims must keep off from drinking, eating and smoking in the course of the day hours of fasting. Therefore, non-Muslims still will refrain from eating to demonstrate respect and to avoid hurting the feelings of those who are fasting. This means that the cafà © will be losing a lot of sales as non-Muslim community will resort to look for non-public places to have a meal. The ABC Cafà © will not serve its purpose of providing food in times of need. This is because the cafà © will have to comply with the stateââ¬â¢s rule in order to avoid being prosecuted for violation of the rule. The authorities in the Gulf have instituted Commissions to increase virtues and decrease vice and to arrest the violators. It is paramount for the cafà © to provide food that will not offend Muslim customers during their fasting period (Advameg, Inc, 2013). Food in Qatar often depicts Muslim dietary preferences; however, Indian, African, Iranian and international cuisines can be also found. Due to the growing impact of global food preferences recently several restaurants have been opened in Qatar. These are often used by the foreigners as public eating in Qatar is not common. This implies that most restaurants reflect Muslim preferences and it will be very difficult for the school cafà © to be different. In this case, foreigners will resort to restaurants that serve a wide range of meals of their choice. That`s why it is going to be very difficult to integrate Muslim and non-Muslim food preferences (Brokaan, 2013). Additionally, people in Qatar eat just a bit in morning and evening and they have a large lunch. In this regard the ABC cafe is likely to be preparing its meals in respect to the Muslim culture. This will, therefore, lock out non-Muslims who by nature have light break-fasts and heavy lunch and supper. As a result, non-Muslims most likely will not eat at the school cafà ©. In addition some Muslim families are breaking off from this norm and are now taking full meal in the evening. As for Qatari men the ABC Cafe is a good place for them to meet and socialize as they carry out most of their business in coffee houses and restaurants. This requires two eating places as women do not eat in public places. This requires critical consideration of the viability of this project (Advameg, Inc, 2013). Additionally, Arabic people are fond of drinking coffee, which is made from lightly roasted beans and sweetened and spiced with cardamom. Arabic people also serve sweet coffee especially to the elite. This implies that the cafà © ought to decide on which market segment to focus whether to focus on Muslims who are fond of coffee or to strike a balance between Muslims and non-Muslims in the school. Muslims do not drink a lot of alcohol drinks, and foreigners can buy alcohol in hotels. Therefore it will be important for the cafà © to decide on the issue related to alcohol. Owing to the fact that with a mere salutation you are handed a cup of coffee in Qatar, the college cafà © will have to make a choice on whether to offer a variety of juices. In the same light Muslims do not eat pork like most foreign students. Muslims consider pork to be dirty and do not even want to go to places where pork is served. They are therefore likely to stay away from the school cafà © if it is going to sell pork. On the other hand, when the cafà © opts not to offer pork so as to respect Muslim taboo and culture, it will lose a number of potential customers who will resort to look for pork in other cafes and restaurants outside the college (Advameg, Inc, 2013). According to Arabic culture family is a vital element of life and this is required by culture and religion. The culture recognizes the need of people to come together as families thus the cafà © will be a better platform for people to interact (Brokaan, 2013). The cafà © will also have to take into consideration Islamic religious holidays. During such holidays especially those after Ramadan there is a tradition to eat special food such as meat, vegetables and grains. The cafà © will have to know how to provide the food needed for these occasion as well as still serve other food to foreigners. If the cafà © opts to serve only Muslim food then it will lose foreign customers in the college. At the same time, failure to focus on Muslim preferences will lead to the fact that Muslim customers will be lost (Marful, 2013). The region of Qatar is mostly characterized with camel meat and sea food such as mackerel, shrimps, crab and lobster among others. Thus, Qatari people are fond of these products and hence will expect the school cafà © to be considerate to this. On the contrary, numeral foreigners prefer other types of food and hence a clear balance is needed so as to satisfy both Muslims and non-Muslims in the college. With the influx of foreigners a clear balance is necessary. Therefore, in relation to dining etiquette it is important to observe a number of etiquette rules. For this reason there is a need to observe dressing and dietary restrictions of hosts or guests either Muslims or foreigners. This implies that there is a need to examine the issue of etiquette rules so as to have an understanding of what is expected. The cafà © must exercise caution as traditions are diverse in terms of dressing and dietary rules (Brokaan, 2013). The country social stratification is divided into classes and castes. It is important for ABC Cafe to bear this in mind. This is because these groups do not often integrate and some are held superior to others. This implies that they cannot easily intermingle, as well as a foreigner who also does not easily intermingle with Muslims. This means that the cafà © will have to be designed in a manner that accommodates all these classes of people in order to ensure good business for ABC Cafe. Again, most of the Arabs especially the Bedouins are very suspicious and prefer to maintain a low profile of their personal background. The Bedouins are often encountered with the challenge of lifestyle. Therefore there is a possibility of men to hang out at ABC Cafà © in bid to interact with people from other cultures especially from western cultures. According to the Arabs, eating is regarded as vital social and family ritual and people are accustomed to taste as well as share a lot of dishes whil e eating. This is going to be very difficult especially bearing in mind that Muslims and non-Muslims have different preferences and traditions when eating. Therefore, sharing of food at ABC cafà ©, as required by Arabic tradition, is not going to be possible. (Advameg, Inc, 2013) Purpose of the Research The purpose of this research paper is to outline the crucial role that the cafà © will play. The article will also illustrate how helpful it is to have places for students to socialize on campus. The findings of the study are likely to provide useful information to anyone who is willing to invest in the hotel business. The researcher also hopes that the research findings will lay grounds for future researchers to explore the research topic in depth. Meeting an Existing Need It has been found out that most students on campus prefer hanging around the college after classes. However, even if this is the case, there are only a few facilities on campus to accommodate the ever growing number of students. Consequently, the students leave the college premises because they do not have a comfortable and convenient place to hang around (Stuttgen, 2007). The new cafà © will come in handy to address the urgent need for having a social place to hang out. ââ¬Å"ABC cafà ©Ã¢â¬ has been used in this article to represent the name of this new venture. The cafà © will provide a relaxing environment. Reading and studying are very tiring and exhausting to students at times. It sometimes tires the mind. This ranges from reading, memorizing, writing and calculating. It wears out a studentââ¬â¢s mental and physical alertness (Stuttgen, 2007). The ABC cafà © will set a place where students can come and relax. The premises will be set aside purposely for those who are willing to relax and those who want to study. A lot of students in the world believe that it is better to study in cafes as they enjoy a cup of coffee with their fellow students and friends. The cafà © will be a place where students will meet, order their favorite beverages and relax. The ABC cafà © will also be a convenient place to study; it will be fitted with free Wi-Fi. Most students spend their time outside the schoolââ¬â¢s internet cafes. The ABC cafà © will provide a place where students can sit and do homework as they enjoy delicious meals and drinks. It is easier to study when someone is studying as he/she eats something. Studying in this cafà © will be motivating and fun. As for disabled students, they usually have hard time going outside the school to hang out after classes. Most of the time, they donââ¬â¢t have somewhere to go because of the fact that they cannot travel long distances (Migoya, 2010). Their solution will be the ABC cafà ©. There will be special staff who will be purely involved to serve these students. In terms of food and drinks, students will be served like other people but in case they need something they will be assisted. Entertainment is a need of every student. The cafà © will have entertainment facilities for students (Thompson, 2010). Most students like watching movies, football etc. In this college, students go to nearby bars and restaurants to entertain themselves. They do this as they drink beer and other alcohol drinks. The ABC cafà © will be the best place for entertainment. We will fit the facility with large screen televisions. Our customers will have an experience of the best entertainment. They will be able to watch football matches, movies and other entertainment programs as they share delicious meals and enjoy their drinks. The student fraternity will provide the immediate market for the products and services sold at the ABC cafà ©. However, it is expected that even other groups on campus such as lecturers and workers will be potential customers. The cafà © is therefore projected to grow very fast and attain profitability very soon. Sales returns are expected to increase each year owing to the ever growing number of students enrolling at the college. The cafà © will be having appealing interior and exterior designs to make customers comfortable. We believe that providing exciting, enticing and gratifying experience to the customers, they will immediately accept and like our services. Objectives of the ABC Cafà © The business projects to break even after 2 years. It projects to make net profits of over 30 percent. The ABC cafà © will open another branch on the neighboring campus by the end of second quarter of third year. The business intends to open a third branch in second quarter of fourth year. Mission of the ABC Cafà © The cafà © is committed to provide high quality, finger-licking dishes and beverages at affordable prices to the community on campus. The business will always focus on providing gratifying and satisfying services so as to encourage customer loyalty. The cafà © will provide an environment where students and other customers will interact. This will improve the social status of the school and ensure that students from different departments interact and share ideas. Our mission will also include treating our customers in a warm and welcoming manner. We will ensure that the students enjoy their time in the ABC cafà ©. By doing this, we will have the cafà © employees who will work hand in hand with the customers to ensure that their needs are satisfied. The cafà © will ensure that the employees have the highest degree of customer handling skills including courtesy, cheerfulness, tidiness, and good public relations. The employees will be focused on pleasing our esteemed customers. It will be the mission of the cafà © to provide satisfactory services that will provide students with a possibility to experience a refreshing environment. We will be committed to providing catering services at the college during annual events, conferences, and board meetings whenever they happen. We will provide students with entertainment services during the weekend to help students interact with their colleagues. The entertainment services will go in line with the ethical standards of the school and the surrounding community. The cafà © will create a lot of opportunities for students who are attending catering and hospitality courses. Upon completion, the best students will be offered a job in the cafà ©. Overview of ABC Cafà © The ABC cafà © will be offering an upscale, intimate dining experience to all customers. Whether you are coming for a quick lunch or a casual meal, the cafà © will definitely take care of all customers without any discrimination. The cafà © will offer high quality food and beverages at pocket friendly prices. The menu will comprise mainly Arab dishes; however, there is a possibility to order food of Western origin such as burgers and other types of fast food owing to the cosmopolitan nature of the neighborhood. The only thing that will not be served at any given time is pork, because it is prohibited in Qatar. Apparently, the largest population in the area is Muslims. Beverages such as different variants of coffee and tea will be served. Other types of meals found in the menu will be salads, appetizers and desserts. In addition, soft drinks will be served but not liquors. The cafà © will be located on campus to satisfy the needs of all students equally as much as possible. The ca fà © will be open every day for all types of dining services as described above. This will ensure the cafà © serves the customers who wish to have breakfast, lunch or supper. Startup Costs In most cases, the capital needed to start up a business is a challenge to many people. However, in our case, finances will be pooled from savings, and the investors will top up the remaining amount. Some of the expenses to be incurred include hiring and training of employees, acquiring the premises as well as all necessary equipment for the project. Cost of advertisement and branding will also be factored in. Caution will be taken to avoid food wastage especially during the first days of operation. We have tried to reduce some of unnecessary spending at the initial stage. For instance, the business will be started as a limited partnership but later on it will be incorporated into a limited liability company. Money that will be made from the first sales will be used to expand the cafà © both in its operations and structure. Products and Services The ABC cafà © will offer finger licking food and beverages. The main goal of a good cafà © is to offer good products and services and that is what the ABC cafà © will be worried about. We will be committed to offering a variety of food products. Considering that the North Atlantic College is a cosmopolitan institution, we will be providing all products regardless of culture, religion and race. Our full range of products will be as follows. Specialty hot beverages will include Americano, cappuccino, macchiato, white mocha, chai, tea flavored with cardamom and sugar, lemonade, coconut milk etc. Others include Espresso, Earl Grey, and Darjeeling. Some of the specialty cold drinks will include Cafà © frappe, Belvoir Presse, Ubuntu fair-trade Cola, Juice Burst Drinks etc. We will offer late breakfast dishes and all day lite-bites which will include: Panini, wraps, sandwiches, soup of the day, salad bowls, Breakfast Ciabbatta, cold pasta salads, sushi, freshly cooked pasta and pastries among others. Students will be able to taste the best desserts. They will include coconut balls and mango mousse and ice cream. Others are kajukatri, butter and cashew nut paste made products, peda etc. They will enjoy a variety of fresh fruits, crisps, nuts, raisins and others. There will be a variety of foods that will go in line with a customerââ¬â¢s religion and preferences. Considering that, non-vegetarian Hindus tend to avoid beef, Muslims eschew pork while many Buddhists commonly feed on vegetables. Christians are not much sensitive to food unless itââ¬â¢s at some times of the year like Easter holiday. Recipes will include chicken and mutton which are mostly preferred by customers in Qatar. We will also provide Chaat, aromatic mix of potatoes, samosas, fried meat and veggie dumplings. We will offer traditional dishes like Diwali, halwa, and other popular meals. Customers will have their requests catered for in regard to their taste and preferences. Our menu will be also packed with juicy, thick steaks coated with flavorings and zesty spices. There will be mouthwatering prime rib, butter roasted and toasted chicken dishes, fresh grilled seafood etc. Others will include, but not limited to, burgers, sandwiches, soups, appetizers and other delicacies. The bottom line during provision of services to our customers is to have attentive and compassionate staff members (Thompson, 2010). The ABC cafà © has a very appealing customer service policy, which states that the customers must leave the cafà © happy with the food and services provided to them. As it will be discussed later, provision of good customer service will be one of the key aspects that will give the business a competitive edge. In order to ensure that everything works out well and effectively, there will be a kitchen manager as well as a dining room manager. The kitchen manager will ensure that preparation of food is done without any delay and high quality standards are met. On the other hand, the dining manager will ensure customer satisfaction. There will be many employees in the dining reception and dining rooms to receive customer orders and serve them. We will also place some employees outside the cafà © who will be receiving and welcoming guests. The serving employees will observe high levels of cleanliness both of body and attire. This will definitely improve the quality of services and customer satisfaction. On the same note, the cafe will have a systematic way of making payments and orders to avoid congestion, loss of cash and lateness in delivery of services. Students will be required to use cash when purchasing drinks and food. The cafe will also use electronic payment means. This is aimed at offering efficient and quick services. This will involve the use of university students electronic Cards. The card will be fitted with food purse where you will have to update your fee before buying anything. The credits in the purse will not be transferred to another person but they can be used to purchase food to more than one person. Competitive Edges The ABC cafà © has highly experienced staff members. This will help the new business to spring to effective performance within a short time after its opening owing to the expertise of its employees. Knowledge within an organization is a very valuable asset, which is mainly invested in human resource. Therefore, if the ABC cafà © has skillful staff members, who have long years of work experience, it will be a great boost for the business. Also, the customer policy for the ABC cafà © is second to none and therefore it becomes part of the competitive edge. The ABC cafe will employ the most experienced employees in the region to offer the best services ever. The cafà © will absorb the best students studying hospitality management in this university so that they can implement their expertise in the field. With the dishes that the cafà © is offering, it will undoubtedly be the best cafà © for students and college employees where they can come to spend their time and to eat. The prices of will be very customer-friendly, and appreciation or depreciation of prices will be communicated in advance. Research Method This chapter will focus on various research methods that are applied in this study. In order to get noteworthy results from the research maximum attentiveness and adherences to a sound process are required that will allow the researcher attain the intended goal. The study will adopt positive philosophy and qualitative and quantitative methods. Research philosophy can be defined as the use of reason and argument when seeking for truth and knowledge. Philosophy relates to the development and nature of knowledge. Scholars with positive philosophy generally utilize the quantitative analysis to process data in order to measure certain relations. For the sake of efficiency, it requires the researcher to embrace research methods that are appropriate and it is at this point that research strategy comes in handy. Fundamentally, a research strategy refers to an organized plan of action that offers directions to researchers enabling them to conduct the research more methodically rather than cha otically. It helps the researcher remain focused, minimize frustrations, improve the quality of the work done and save time in the long run. This chapter outlines the proposed research design, population, sample, data collection instrument, procedures, and method of data analysis. Methods of Data Collection There are various methods that will be employed in collection of data as explained below: Direct observation: This strategy involves observing the subject, often in a natural setting. While an individual observer is sometimes used, it is more common to utilize a group of observers. Interviews: it is one of the most important methods of gathering information in case studies. An interview can involve structured survey-type questions, or more open-ended questions. Use of questionnaires whereby the respondents are required to fill in the questions and submit the results. Use of available literature and previous documents such as letters, newspaper articles, administrative records, to gather relevant information. Location of the Study The research will be conducted at the College of the North Atlantic Qatar. Target Population The target population consists mainly of students, lecturers and other support staff. The size of the population is around 850 people, comprising of about 700 students, 100 workers and 50 lecturers. Sampling Techniques Simple random sampling technique will be used in order to get the results. Random sampling allows the results of the survey to be generalized to the entire student population of the university. Research Instruments Questionnaires will be used as the major tool for data collection because the target population is widely distributed. The researcher will administer questionnaires with different sets of questions to each group. For students and lecturers, the researcher will use the questionnaires to gather information. The responses gathered will be recorded immediately due to validity reasons and prevention of distortion. Questionnaires The structured questions are preferred by the researcher because they are easier to analyze and the responses are more predictable. The respondents will be required to tick off the items on the list. However some questions will be open to allow some freedom but responses will be categorized into specific groups during analysis. The questionnaires will be delivered by hand and collected in person to avoid delays. live CHAT Interview Schedule A structured interview will be employed too. Fixed alternative questions are the common forms of the interview because they are easy to mark and saving time. An interview is flexible and adaptable to individual situation. Data Analysis The collected data will be analyzed and discussed qualitatively and quantitatively using statistical procedure for social science (SPSS). The study will examine the results through a series of operations. The refined data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics involving frequency, percentages and scores to determine concentrations and standard deviation. The descriptive statistics is a valuable tool for data analysis as it portrays the typical respondents and reveals the general pattern of response. The findings of the study will be presented using frequency tables, graphs and pie charts. Ethical Considerations There are a number of key issues that need to be checked to try to protect the rights of the participants of the research. The principle of voluntary participation requires people not be coerced into participating in the research. The researcher will be concerned with the ethical treatment of the obtained data and the subjects. The supervisors will also review the research proposal thoroughly to assure the ethical treatment of human subjects. The researcher will inform the potential subjects of aspects of research procedures that might influence their decision to participate. The participants will not be forced to participate in the research study. Coercive influence will not be used on the subjects make them participate. The subjects will also be permitted to withdraw from the study anytime they desired with the researcher ensuring that the subjects are protected from physical harm and psychological distress. The information provided by the respondents will be treated with complete confidentiality. The names of the respondents and their genders will remain anonymous.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Proposal to help fight against domestic violence in Pocatello, Idaho
Proposal to help fight against domestic violence in Pocatello, Idaho Domestic violence is a problem that is prevalent in the American society and latest statistics show that it is running out of control. Therefore effort must be made to stem the spread of this vice which has now been declared a criminal offence.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal to help fight against domestic violence in Pocatello, Idaho specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While statistics explain the extent to which this social vice has been ingrained in the society, the social vice is having a number of effects. It problem has been declared as a criminal offence as well as a social and health issue. It affects men, women as well as children in equal measure. Women and children however are the largest number of victims of domestic violence in America (Hayward, Steiner and Sproule para 1). The offence includes the physical attacks, psychological torture, economic manipulation as well as sexual abuse and harassment . These abuses have both short term and long term effects and leaves the victim in a poor emotional, social and even economic state (para 2). Furthermore those victims abused by an intimate partner tend to have more emotional, mental and physical consequences than those who that are victims of attacks from strangers. There have been attempts to record statistic on the occurrence of this crime by state. In Idaho alone, it has been reported that about 6177 domestic violence incidences occurred in the year 2009. This is a worrying statistics and shows that at least 17 cases happen every 24 hours (Laird para 1). As such, the family, which is the basic unit that forms the society, is bearing the brunt of this social vice. Therefore there is need to intensify the fight against domestic violence. Several programs have been put in place to stop the vice. This includes jail terms for offenders, legal fines, restrictions and incarceration. Other programs include behavioral and attitudinal mod ification for the offenders (Hayward Steiner and Sproule para 4). However this seems not to be enough. More partners such as corporate organization need to be engaged in activities that involve the sensitization of the society at the family level. Therefore Walmart has organized a sensitization program in Pocatello, Idaho. Solution Having realized the need to involve the family unit in dealing with this vice, Walmart has organized a sensitization program that will involve the education of whole family to increase awareness on the issue.Advertising Looking for essay on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Walmart will team up with like minded companies and corporate organizations, in the organization of the event that has been dabbed ââ¬Å"Walmart Stands Up Against Domestic Violence.â⬠The purpose of the vent will be to involve the family in several ways. During the event all family members in cluding children will be encouraged to engage in positive dialogue at home as a way of enhancing peace and constructive domestic conflict resolution (Daya para 3). This will help avert situations that would degenerate into domestic violence. The family unit will also be educated about the gross effects of the vice and the possible counter effects. Each family member will also be sensitized on the roles they should play as individualââ¬â¢s at home and even in the society to avert the crisis. Most importantly attendants will be given useful information on groups that they can turn to for help should they fall victims to domestic violence. The event organizers will also have sessionââ¬â¢s where people are informed of the legal options available in the state of Idaho that deals with domestic violence. Lastly, attendants will be educated on how to identify traits and signs in their partners and take cover before they fall victims. There are several business communities that will be involved in the event. They are Family Service Alliance, Ridleys Family Markets and Rose Park Aquatic Complex. Each of these will have specific roles they will play in making the event a success. Family Services Alliance will provide information and education services for attendants. While Rose Park Aquatic Complex will organize parallel recreational and entertainment activities such as swimming and face painting for children, the parents can use that opportunity to visits family services alliances stands and get useful information about domestic violence (Daya para 2). Educators will provide and use such educational, materials such as brochures and posters. These two materials contains condensed information, while booklets, information guides and reports are a bit detailed and will be used for further learning and reference (OPDV para 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal to help fight against domestic violence in Pocatello, Idaho specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The organization will also organize open forums for adults with the intention of getting the public opinion on the vice and possible methods to eliminate it. Rose Park Aquatic Complex will play the host and has volunteered to provide the following services during the three day event. They will provide catering for volunteers, and participating teams free of charge but will also set up a temporary cafà © for family snacks. The host will also provide recreational facilities such as swimming competition for children, face painting as well bouncing castles. There will also be adult fun events such as tag of war. Ridley Family Markets will provide support staff that will be very handy in coordinating the event. It will also provide refreshments and snacks offer to transport volunteers to and from the venue. Benefits The benefits of this event cannot be quantified as there would be no proper mechanism for that. However, there will be certain achievement that can be identified at the end of the event. Most importantly, the event, being held for three days, will increase awareness of the problem in the Pocatello, Idaho community (Lehmann para 3). This is because part of the training will involve statistics of the nature and trend that the vice assumes. The participants will also be encouraged to share the information during the event with any person who they know is a victim of domestic violence. This information will include contact for support groups for such victims. The event organizer will also importantly gather public opinion and knowledge on the vice, which will be use in further developing educational materials for future events. The event has also established mechanism for any participant who wants to share information in confidence. Such will include participants who want to share persona experiences or reveal names of possible victim they are aware of. Should such people be identified follow up wil l follow with the aim of linking them with relevant support groups. Most importantly the event organizers have organized dramatized scenarios that highlight the importance of dialogue in resolving family conflict. In addition to these benefits, the participating business organizations will benefit greatly from such social events. They will have an opportunity to team up together and show concern for the community. Such community involvement will enhance the businessesââ¬â¢ publicity that will improve the companiesââ¬â¢ public image and popularity.Advertising Looking for essay on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moreover the vent will be used by Walmart to prove that it embraces fair competition from small business such as Ridleys. Walmart will also use the event to market its promotion that is offering discounted family packs such as breakfast, sanitary, laundry as well as soft drinks for the local Pocatello community in its local outlet. Cost Analysis The following is the break down of the costs for the three day event: US$ 5000 for renting Rose Park Aquatic Complex recreational facilities like swimming pools, bouncing castles and swings US$ 2000 for refreshments for volunteers US$ 4000 For advertising and printing educational materials US$ 1000 for paramedics, security and firefighting services US$ 500 for hiring portable restrooms The grand total budget for the vent is US$ 12500 Conclusion Domestic violence is real and happens to common people every day. It is a vice that should not be tolerated because it is the violation of human rights the supreme constitution seeks to uphold. Stat istics prove that more people than imagined are victims of such heinous acts. As such there is need to involve the family by the way of helping it acknolwged that the problem persist and that itââ¬â¢s the family that stands to loose. Sensitizing the family will involve the corporate world. Companies will thus get this opportunity to show that they care for the family unit and by being involved business organization will prove that they are concerned about the social welfare and development of the family. Walmart will as use this event to show that it cares for the family by running a parallel promotion that offers family goods at a discount to the local community. This will boost the organizations public image. DAYA. ââ¬Å"Dayaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"One Voiceâ⬠Initiative During Domestic Violence Awareness Month.â⬠Indo American News. 2010. Web. Hayward, Karen., Steiner, Susan and Sproule, Kathy. ââ¬Å"Womens Perceptions of the Impact of a Domestic Violence Treatment Progr am for Male Perpetrators.â⬠Med Scape Today. 2007. Web. Laird, Darien. ââ¬Å"Pocatello Aims To Halt Domestic Violence: Family Services Alliance Kicks Off Awareness Month Activitiesâ⬠. Local News. 2010. Web. Lehmann, Christine . Campaign Vows to Raise Awareness of Domestic Violence. Psychiatric News. 2001. Web. OPDV. ââ¬Å"Publications Public Education Materials.â⬠2010. Web.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
USS Nebraska (BB-14) in the Great White Fleet
USS Nebraska (BB-14) in the Great White Fleet USS Nebraska (BB-14) - Overview: Nation: United States Type: Battleship Shipyard: Moran Brothers, Seattle, WA Laid Down: July 4, 1902 Launched: October 7, 1904 Commissioned: July 1, 1907 Fate: Sold for Scrap, 1923 USS Nebraska (BB-14) - Specifications: Displacement: 16,094 tons Length: 441 ft., 3 in. Beam: 76 ft., 2 in. Draft: 25 ft., 10 in. Propulsion: 12 Ãâ" Babcock boilers, 2 Ãâ" triple-expansion engines, 2 Ãâ" propellers Speed: 19 knots Complement: 1,108 men Armament: 4 Ãâ" 12 in./40 cal guns8 Ãâ" 8 in./45 cal guns12 Ãâ" 6-inch guns11 Ãâ" 3-inch guns24 Ãâ" 1 pdr guns4 Ãâ" 0.30 in. machine guns4 Ãâ" 21 in. torpedo tubes USS Nebraska (BB-13) - Design Construction: Laid down in 1901 and 1902, the five battleships of the Virginia-class were meant as successors to the Maine-class (USS Maine, USS Missouri, and USS Ohio) which was then entering service. Though conceived as the US Navys latest design, the new battleships saw a return to some features that had not been employed since the earlier Kearsarge-class (USS Kearsarge and USS ). These included the use of 8-in. guns as a secondary armament and the locating of two 8-in. turrets on top of the vessels 12-in. turrets. Supplementing the Virginia-class main battery of four 12 in. guns were eight 8-in., twelve 6-in., twelve 3-in., and twenty-four 1-pdr guns. In a shift from previous classes of battleships, the new design utilized Krupp armor instead of the Harvey armor that had been placed on earlier vessels. Propulsion for the Virginia-class came from twelve Babcock boilers which powered two vertical inverted triple expansion reciprocating steam engines. The second ship of the class, USS Nebraska (BB-14) was laid down at Moran Brothers in Seattle, WA on July 4, 1902. Work on the hull moved forward over the next two years and on October 7, 1904, it slid down the ways with Mary N. Mickey, daughter of Nebraska Governor John H. Mickey, serving as sponsor. Another two and a half years passed before construction on Nebraska ended. Commissioned on July 1, 1907, Captain Reginald F. Nicholson took command. The next several months saw the new battleship conduct its shakedown cruise and trials on the West Coast. Completing these, it re-entered the yard for repairs and modifications before resuming operations in the Pacific. USS Nebraska (BB-14) - Great White Fleet: In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt became increasingly concerned about the US Navys lack of power in the Pacific due to the growing threat posed by Japan. To impress upon the Japanese that the United States could move its battle fleet to the Pacific with ease, he began planning a world cruise of the nations battleships. Designated the Great White Fleet, the Atlantic Fleets battleships steamed from Hampton Roads on December 16, 1907. The fleet then moved south making visits in Brazil before passing through the Straits of Magellan. Steering north, the fleet, led by Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, arrived at San Francisco on May 6. While there, a decision was made to detach USS (BB-8) and Maine due to their abnormally high coal consumption. In their place, USS (BB-9) and Nebraska were assigned to the fleet, now led by Rear Admiral Charles Sperry. Assigned to the fleets Second Division, First Squadron, this group also contained Nebraskas sister ships USS Georgia (BB-15), USS (BB-16), and USS (BB-17). Departing the West Coast, the battleship and it consorts transited the Pacific to Hawaii before reaching New Zealand and Australia in August. After taking part in festive port calls, the fleet steered north for the Philippines, Japan, and China. Finishing visits in these countries, the American battleships crossed the Indian Ocean before passing through the Suez Canal and entering the Mediterranean. Here the fleet split to make visits in several nations. Moving west, Nebraska called at Messina and Naples before rejoining the fleet at Gibraltar. Crossing the Atlantic, the battleship arrived at Hampton Roads on February 22, 1909, where it was greeted by Roosevelt. Having completed its world cruise, Nebraska underwent brief repairs and had a cage foremast installed before rejoining the Atlantic Fleet. USS Nebraska (BB-14) - Later Service: Attending Fulton-Hudson Celebration in New York later in 1909, Nebraska entered the yard the following spring and received a second cage mast aft. Resuming active duty, the battleship took part in the Louisiana Centennial in 1912. As tensions increased with Mexico, Nebraska moved to aid American operations in that area. In 1914, it supported the US occupation of Veracruz. Performing well in this mission during 1914 and 1916, Nebraska was awarded the Mexican Service Medal. Obsolete by modern standards, the battleship returned to the United States and was placed in reserve. With the countrys entrance into World War I in April 1917, Nebraska returned to active duty. At Boston when hostilities commenced, Nebraska joined the 3rd Division, Battleship Force, Atlantic Fleet. For the next year, the battleship operated along the East Coast training armed guard crews for merchant vessels and conducting maneuvers. On May 16, 1918, Nebraska embarked the body Carlos DePena, the late ambassador of Uruguay, for transport home. After arriving in Montevideo on June 10, the ambassadors body was transferred to the Uruguayan government. Returning home, Nebraska reached Hampton Roads on July and began preparing to serve as a convoy escort. On September 17, the battleship departed to escort its first convoy across the Atlantic. It completed two similar missions before the wars end in November. Refitting in December, Nebraska was converted into a temporary troopship to assist in bringing American soldiers back from Europe. Conducting four voyages to and from Brest, France, the battleship transported 4,540 men home. Completing this duty in June 1919, Nebraska departed for service with the Pacific Fleet. It operated along the West Coast for the next year until being decommissioned on July 2, 1920. Placed in reserve, Nebraska was rendered incapable of war service following the signing of the Washington Naval Treaty. In late 1923, the aging battleship was sold for scrap. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Nebraska (BB-14)NHHC: USS Nebraska (BB-14)NavSource: USS Nebraska (BB-14)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Communication of corporate social responsibility Annotated Bibliography
Communication of corporate social responsibility - Annotated Bibliography Example Becker-Olsen, K., Taylor, C., Hill, R.P., and Yalcinkaya, G. (2011). A cross-cultural examination of corporate social responsibility marketing communications in Mexico and the United States: strategies for global brands. Journal of International Marketing, 19 (2), 30-44. The study highlighted the impact of corporate social responsibility communications on the perceptions of organizations along with their brands among consumers in two distinct cultures. It was primarily assumed that the global brand positioning theory is widely applicable, explaining that consumersââ¬â¢ perceptions can be improved if the brand is considered as global. On the whole, CSR communication can bring about positive outcomes for firms; multinational companies that highlight global CSR initiatives and efforts can bring about favorable perceptions among the public. Nonetheless, there is still a great need to consider the significance of certain needs based on local values and experiences. Bhattacharya, C., and Sen, S. (2004). Doing better at doing good: when, why, and how consumers respond to corporate social initiatives. California Management Review, 47 (1), 9-25. As the paper highlighted the impact of corporate social responsibility communication on the public, findings showed that consumers are more sensitive and demonstrate greater reactions towards negative CSR information compared to positive CSR information.... Through the use of content analysis methodology, it was found out that although Spanish companies associated CSR with great importance, usage of websites as a means of communication was not entirely effective. Information was limited regarding the concept of CSR as well the companiesââ¬â¢ engagement with environmental and social initiatives, thus the need to further look into the type, quality, and quantity of CSR information that should be communicated through websites. Chaudri, V., and Wang, J. (2007). Communicating corporate social responsibility on the internet: a case study of the top 100 information technology companies in India. Management Communication Quarterly, 21 (2), 232-247. The paper looked into the communication of CSR carried out by the top 100 Information Technology (IT) organizations in India in relation to their use of websites. Specifically, the study examined the importance of communication, scope of information, and presentation style. Findings showed that th ere are only a small number of companies that integrate CSR information in their websites. Moreover, many of these companies do not utilize their websites with regards to the style and amount of CSR communication. Although CSR communication is not necessarily absent in IT companies in India, findings demonstrated there is inadequate CSR communication. David, P., Kline, S., and Dai, Y. (2005). Corporate social responsibility practices, corporate identity, and purchase intention: a dual-process model. The literature review of the study emphasized the importance of communication as a means of promoting the program as well as its performance to stakeholders. It was also asserted that initiatives for CSR communication can affect
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business Ethics and Consequentialism Assignment
Business Ethics and Consequentialism - Assignment Example For instance, it may repulse stakeholders and employees. It spoils the public image of the company which in the long run affects the company profitability (Hartman, 2002). This article analysis the ethical concerns in the case of the company that manufactured transistors that became the sole supplier to pacemaker manufacturing company in relation to Jeremy Bentham theory of ethics of utility. Ethical issues in the Case The company in question had been involved in supplying transistors used in production of pacemakers. The pacemaker is an electric device used to ensure that the heart of a patient with weak pulse rates does not stop. By implanting the devise in an individual, the heart functioning is completely dependent on this device. This means that if the device stops because of a defect, the patient automatically dies. There have been cases where patients had died after pulling the wires that connected to the device out unconsciously (Ferrell, 2010) There were also concerns on the lack of a standards used to test the electronics used in making the pace setters. The ethical issues in this case were being involved in supplying transistors to a company producing a device without good standards which put the lives of people at risk. If the faults of these devices would be traced back to the company supplying the transistors, they would be in danger of being sued in a law suit. This would have bad implications on the company which would pay huge fines on the affected families. The implication of the company in such a serious case leading to death of people would taint the company which would again have huge implications on the companyââ¬â¢s productivity. Another ethical issue is if the company would pull out from this business, the company producing the pacemakers would also be out of business since the company in question was the only existing supplier. The pacemaker had benefited may people possibly saving their lives despite it having many flaws (Ferrell, 2 010). It would be wrong the deny patients this device which might just save them from the pangs of death. The company in the end decided to continue supplying the pacemaker company but would ensure that its engineers carried out rigorous testing on the electronics. This is because this is the only way that he supplying company would be help against in case of law suit. They also stated that they would stop business with the pacemaker company if the company failed to look into the technical problems. This way, the company would be able to help in making it possible for patient to enjoy the promising technology of the pacemaker. The company also figured that although it was not getting a lot of profits from this venture at that time. This was an upcoming industry with promising future growth and the company would get major benefits in the long run. What would Jeremy Bentham, the father of utilitarianism, have said about this Case? Bentham believed that utilitarianism is guided by two masters: pain and pleasure. Making ethical decisions is therefore based on looking for happiness and avoiding pain. This therefore means that utilitarian ethics means making decision that ensures that an individual benefits the most (Jeremy, 2009). Although it is right to promote the well being of others, this cannot be done if it is in conflict with individual good. In the case of the sole supplier, Bentham would have definitely
EVALUATE THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE WITHIN FINANCIAL INSTITUTION(ASDA) LEAD TO THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS - Dissertation Example â⬠¦...22 3.2 Limitationsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.23 3.3 Ethical Considerationsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..23 3.4 The Design of Questionnairesâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦24 4.0 Results and Findingsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..25-29 5.0 Discussionâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦...30-33 6.0 Conclusion and Recommendationsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.34-37 7.... ?â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.27 Figure 2: Relationship among ASDAââ¬â¢s Employeesâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..28 Table 1: Table 1: Employeesââ¬â¢ Reasons for ASDAââ¬â¢s Near Bankruptcy in 1990sâ⬠¦.25 1.0 Introduction This paper critically addresses the impacts of organisational culture on performance of a financial institution (ASDA), and investigating how this culture could lead to global financial crisis. It must be stated at this earliest time that this paper dwells mainly on the Human Resources aspect of organisation culture; it highlights how employees of ASDA, based on their varying experiences, trainings, personal integrity and conformity to organisational policies, could cause a spiral global financial crisis. It is no longer a new phenomenon that organisational culture is a potent factor in determining the success of operations in a com pany (Schein, 2004). ASDA, a financial institution, also derives its efficiency from the realization that its human resources must be revamped in order to achieve optimum performance in credit and financial services (ASDA, 2010a). ASDA requires its array of employees to demonstrate high-quality professionalism so as to be able to discharge its statutory duty as a viable credit facilitiesââ¬â¢ institution (ASDA, 2010a). One important feature of ASDA that would not be overlooked in this study is it size, huge market reach, and the magnitude of the effect of its eventual collapse, in case there is a financial crisis. Big financial institutions like ASDA faces increasingly threat as it deals out its credit-issuing services to its many customers (Kidwell et al, 2000). However, for the purpose of clarity and concentration, this study only looks into the effect of organisational culture on the activities of ASDA as a
CYBER BULLING A SOCIAL PROBLEM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
CYBER BULLING A SOCIAL PROBLEM - Research Paper Example According to Wanamaker (2012), the abuses from cyber bullying are as hurtful to the victim as physical abuse. In most cases, it has resulted to low self-esteem and to some extent suicide. Cyber bulling is a developing social problem that needs social workers to tackle. Many social workers today are inadequately equipped to handle the issue between students. Because cyber bullying can lead to mental harm, the social workers do not have the right skills for handling the problem properly. Cyber bullying mostly occurs over the Internet hence it has become difficult for staff and social workers to monitor the issue. Since social workers are essential to school mental health services and offer crisis intervention services compared to staff members, they will be important in developing effective and accurate cyber bullying policies. People may claim that cyber bullying has declined, but the more people become aware of the problem they realize that many kids are involved in it. To those kids and teens involved, it has become a game given the anonymity associated with it. The anonymously that the Internet provides has highly encouraged cyber bullying. Due to this aspect of the Internet, cyber bullying has become an online version of teasing and cruelty that usually exists in schools. While the Internet provides anonymity, it also provides a wide range of opportunity to reach, many people as it is open to anyone. Therefore, since many people can access the Internet and the fact that it is difficult to establish who said what, this encourages people to use the Internet to bully others. Education is truly essential when it comes to cyber bullying. While the upcoming Internet-based networking sites might appear to challenge to any user, children and teens do not likely have the maturity of using these sites. The well-educated parents keep
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Figurative Language versus Literal Language Essay - 11
Figurative Language versus Literal Language - Essay Example As an example, a person using an idiom would describe that another hung their head, which indicates a sadness or shame rather than the literal description of actually bowing a head downward. Misunderstanding might occur when a person unfamiliar with the common cultural meaning of a language is misconstrued, leaving them to believe a person is actually bending their head. The amphiboly is a type of fallacy, used to mislead the receiver. It is often used in political sciences as a means to persuade individuals of an intention while never actually providing clarity. As an example, this function in figurative language might be illustrated by a politician who indicates their goal is to argue with the Senate to provide changes. In reality, there is no argument occurring, rather following legitimate methods already in place to assist the constituency. Misunderstanding occurs when the receiver believes that there will be a verbal argument. The analogy occurs when comparisons are made, either in process or ideas, to something else entirely. As an example, the analogy would be used to suggest that a dirty animal stable has ââ¬Å"enough work to kill a horseâ⬠. In this case, the converser or the writer is attempting to illustrate that it is difficult work, not to actually destroy a horse through the process of labor. An individual not acquainted with the familiar of culture and social lifestyle might believe that a horse will be slaughtered. A flame word is intended to prompt emotional response from the receiver to create an emotional response or retaliation against a principle or thought. The speaker or writer might indicate that a woman is ââ¬Å"stubborn as a muleâ⬠to describe a poor disposition. Misunderstanding would not likely occur much when using flame words since the goal is to enflame the reader to respond accordingly. The metaphor occurs when comparisons are made to two objects or ideas that are actually similar in nature. To say that love
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Managing at a distance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Managing at a distance - Essay Example The central location has become the virtual office, the virtual enterprise, which has translated into the virtual work team. Utilizing virtual teams now allow organizations to bring together critical contributors in real time that might not otherwise be able to work together in a traditional work environment. Virtual teams can also add to the pool of resources available to any organization by opening the door to include people from outside the sponsoring organization such as supply chain affiliates, members of interconnected organizations, or external consultants. In many cases, the communication and insight from this type of 360 degree feedback is can give the organization an edge over their competitors. The result is what has come to be termed a distributed work groups, or virtual teams as they are more commonly known. Like any team, a virtual team works on interdependent tasks guided by a common purpose. Like anymore traditional team, the group needs to have consistent and hands on leadership in order to keep the team focused on the tasks at hand, and facilitate progress. However, because these teams are located across space, time, and organizational and geographic boundaries, the challenges of leading the team have become an entirely new endeavor. As one researcher described it, because of advanced technologies and communication tools global teams are developing the ability to "work together apart" (Grenier and Meters, 1992), In the light of these changing dynamics, leadership personnel must learn a new conflux of tools. "Management by walking around," a term made popular in the 1980's as a way to stay connected to those under the leaders direction is no longer possible. In addition, ineffective management styles which could be compensated for through personal contact now can destroy an organizations ability to communicate and achieve project goals effectively. Therefore, the team leader must be able to complete and facilitate a number of human relational dynamics without seeing his team face to face, including trust building, performance accountability, and conflict resolution. So how does the manager adapt his or her personal style to the needs of the virtual work team in order to overcome the barriers created by different locations and organizational cultures The manager must: 1. have a clear understanding of the project goals and objectives. 2. have a deep understanding of how or her own management styles, it strengths and weaknesses 3. work to improve on his or her weaknesses, and utilize his or her strengths in order to create an environment of transformational leadership. While many different personal evaluation tools have evolved during the past few decades, the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) seeks to help the manager understand his or her own personal weaknesses as well as strengths. The purpose of the SDI is to make the manager more aware of their own personality and relationship skills, both positively and negatively. The purpose of the SDI is not to give the learner a task list, but rather educate him to use his gifts more effectively while charting a path to develop his own weaknesses. In the work team environment, an unidentified weakness can destroy the moral or cohesiveness within the group more quickly because of the limited personal contact the participants have with each other. "Team leaders typically find that achieving alignment and commitment
Figurative Language versus Literal Language Essay - 11
Figurative Language versus Literal Language - Essay Example As an example, a person using an idiom would describe that another hung their head, which indicates a sadness or shame rather than the literal description of actually bowing a head downward. Misunderstanding might occur when a person unfamiliar with the common cultural meaning of a language is misconstrued, leaving them to believe a person is actually bending their head. The amphiboly is a type of fallacy, used to mislead the receiver. It is often used in political sciences as a means to persuade individuals of an intention while never actually providing clarity. As an example, this function in figurative language might be illustrated by a politician who indicates their goal is to argue with the Senate to provide changes. In reality, there is no argument occurring, rather following legitimate methods already in place to assist the constituency. Misunderstanding occurs when the receiver believes that there will be a verbal argument. The analogy occurs when comparisons are made, either in process or ideas, to something else entirely. As an example, the analogy would be used to suggest that a dirty animal stable has ââ¬Å"enough work to kill a horseâ⬠. In this case, the converser or the writer is attempting to illustrate that it is difficult work, not to actually destroy a horse through the process of labor. An individual not acquainted with the familiar of culture and social lifestyle might believe that a horse will be slaughtered. A flame word is intended to prompt emotional response from the receiver to create an emotional response or retaliation against a principle or thought. The speaker or writer might indicate that a woman is ââ¬Å"stubborn as a muleâ⬠to describe a poor disposition. Misunderstanding would not likely occur much when using flame words since the goal is to enflame the reader to respond accordingly. The metaphor occurs when comparisons are made to two objects or ideas that are actually similar in nature. To say that love
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